Dynamic analysis of beam type substrate handling robot in solar cell manufacturing

Dong-Ii Park, Cheonlhoon Park, Yi-Jun Yoo, Hyunmin Do, Jin-Ho Kyung, 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), Incheon, November 2011, pp. 794-795.


In the thin film solar cell production system, it is a very important task to handle the large size solar cell substrate. Many handling robots have been developed and applied in the manufacturing line. As the substrate size gets larger, dynamic analysis and vibration control including flexible forks becomes very important. Precise position control including the vibration of forks and the substrate is very important because solar cell substrate is three to five times heavier than LCD glass substrate. In the paper, we analyzed dynamic motion of the robot and vibration of end-effector including flexible forks using RecurDyn. Motion trajectory is based on tact time in the real production line and motion simulation is performed in the various conditions.

How Multibody Dynamics Simulation Technology is Used

The dynamic motion of the robot and the vibration of the arms is simulated in RecurDyn. Precise control over heavy substrates require taking into account the flexible nature of the forks. RecurDyn is able to simulate the arms of the robot as flexible bodies to take bending into account during precise motion control.

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