Version compatibility of CAD files and software for co-simulation

By September 9, 2019September 24th, 2019Newest Release

RecurDyn is not just multibody dynamics software, but it is a platform for multi-physics simulation with a focus on assemblies in motion. Because of this there are many data interfaces and co-simulation opportunities with other software. Examples of this external data and software includes geometry, control systems, hydraulics simulation, linear and nonlinear flexible bodies, fluids, bulk materials, and customization tools.

Given all of these options, it may be challenging to keep track of which versions of the data formats and software should be used with each version of RecurDyn. This information is provided in the RecurDyn documentation, but it is distributed through the documentation. For example, information about supported versions of CAD geometry and customization tools are given in the RecurDyn Release Notes on the page after the table of contents. Information about the versions of flexible body data is given in the sections of documentation about flexible bodies.

For your convenience a summary of the versions of the supported data formats and software for RecurDyn V8R5 through V9R3 are provided in the table below. Please note that all applications and libraries need to be 64-bit.